EXTENDED CPC DSK File Disk-Info Spectaculator(Track-Info R Track-Info  R ANDROID12 ANDROID1BA$ ANDROID1BAS. ANDROID1C < ANDROID1SCR7DISK . PLUS3DOShy&!y'@>_>H @> _`8 q18188ń8d8c0D8br8 `r8c88 c8#8|D8088# 28?8.#8>#8x?888 8@8g 89ĕV 88Rd 8ȳeW 8d@ @@|9Ȃ (D ' D ((( P P P 3\MU'U \Wq !Gqv>~~~~~~>>>>$$$$ffý~<<??BbRJFB\,0:"android1.c":"android1.scr":="X"90Z ,12 ,4;">STOP THE TAPE RECORDER!":2,0:8,4;" >SELECT GAME CONTROLS ";9 ,4;" Press: ";10 ,4;" 'K' Keyboard ";11 ,4;" 'J' Kempston Joystick ":z=25547c:10 PLUS3DOS@(#@EQ  1983 VORTEX SOFTWARE Written by Costa Panayi  5000 >20,0;" STOP THE ";0;" TAPE! " 3,-10 Jn=018:n,0;"":n n=16:n,7;" ":n:31004y,39':31005y,64@:31020,y,72H:310251y,64@:4,4;" PRESENTS... ":31000y 8,4;"";9 ,4;"  ";10 ,4;"  ";11 ,4;" 'THE REACTOR RUN' ";12 ,4;"" 8a15,4;"  1983 VORTEX SOFTWARE ";16,4;"Written by Costa Panayi" ""190 T20,11 ;" >Do you want";21,11 ;" instructions? (y/n)" =""192 "n"Ʀ"y"190 ="n"2190 m5000:0,0;" OPERATION  REACTOR RUN" '"Your assignment: to infiltrate the Reactor complex, overcome its defence systems, destroy theReactor and RETURN back to base." d"To achieve this goal you have a powerful weapon, the latest in android technology..Android One!" k'" This is Android One. Features  include built in laser, force shield and unlimited power." '"The Reactor Complex is guarded by the Mutant Defenders. They will stop at nothing to prevent you from succeeding in your mission to save the world!" ,""300, -[0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue." .=""302. 65000:0,0;"MEET THE MUTANTS!" Q2,2;" The 'Bouncer'";4,2;" The 'Groupie'" Q6,2;" The 'Skater'";8,2;" The 'Wanderer'" 10 ,0;"POINTS ALLOCATION";12 ,2;": 40 Points :160 Points";14,2;":200 Points :240 Points" y16,2;"?:Reactor- Lots of points";18,2;"?:Return to base- More points" X""600X Y_0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue " Z=""602Z  i5000:0,0;"STATUS REPORTS: The bottom thirdof screen will be as shown below" *I8,0;"  \   " ,I9 ,0;"  LEVEL:SCORE   " .J10 ,0;"  HIGH SCORE  OOOOO  " 0B11 ,0;"   " 2J12 ,0;"   TIME AVAILABLE   " 4J13 ,0;"  Track-Info  R    " 6>14,0;" " 8>15,0;" " >3,4;"Android direction indicator";28;"|";1;"Number of hits on Android |";1;"& number of shields used |";19;"\ |" He16,4;"|";4;"|";4;"Android Position Indicator";4;"(Room location)" Re31004y,0:31005y,72H:31020,y,80P:310251y,72H:31000y ""1000 [0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue." n=""1902n U5000:n=215:0;n,2;" ":n {0,0;"KEYBOARD LAYOUT";1,4;" ";3,3;"ZX Spectrum"  5,2;"";10 ,27;"";11 ,26;"";12 ,25;"";13 ,26;"";14,23;"";15,22;"" -7,4;"ROTATE ANTICLOCKWISE" -9 ,5;" ROTATE CLOCKWISE " .11 ,6;" RUN " 013 ,4;" SHIELD FIRE " _'''"If a 'Kempston' Joystick is connected any key pressed will activate the shield." ""2050 [0,11 :240,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue." =""2052  5000:0,0;"The game is over when either:"''" (1)Android One has sustained five direct hits;"''" (2)The time available for the mission has elapsed." '"If you complete your mission by returning to base, you will be immediately assigned to a new, more hazardous 'Reactor Run'!" >""2110> Cx0,70F:255,0:''">Press:"''" (1)'R' to repeat instructions;"''" (2)Any other key to begin." H=""2120H R="r"5000:5 8.2~L,0:.2~L,-5:.6,15 f20,0;" >START THE TAPE RECORDER AND GOOD LUCK! ":"android1.ba$" .2~L,-5:.2~L,-15:.6,0:n=020:.01z# =,0:n,0;" ":n:21,0;" ": #(d7:1:1:30999y:23675{\,88X:23676|\,127:"android1.2" #2"X"0 #7""90157# #2[{<<( :[( {<_2[i! ͵o} po} :h g(>] 2yu>2Av>2gǘkd>͛";o:[0!q 0!q!sr"[< 2[m6n.f ( *[+| #} *![~ 6:6?+"![} !"[:[9 :gu(: [ :[ fdìgVhj[m:#[ ̓m><2#[:$[ k><2$[:%[ Ul><2%[:&[ l><2&[Ng iÂb:&d!c_~2b#~2b#~2b#~2c#~2/c#~2?c#~2Oc`0!͵o}(u d 2h\ !oEk G~# ɸ0!oEk RPo!n6m.f6 !Xp#|Z p|g͵)!Xp#|Z !gu67 j:[̈́kmNgͥod> ̈́k\q !͵B0<#"[:[̈́k>͛"!_f~(W#^#!f~( #^#V#!f~( #^#V#!me_f!_f~( W#^#6l!f~( #^#V#6u!f~( #^#V#6~}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}~~~~t|y}y~yyyyyyyzzz~|wwnxxxv{uw+:[ :[(>  G:[G(x!Ggo^gF#~ #V#^#_͵:&d(<2&d bK[!k~(_#V# ~ >-*[6K[!k~(_#V# ~- *[6>#"[2[uuv%vvvwyxx7yEyyyzX|e|||}!}:h(oÀag(˻_(W(O(G(x(:[ ˋ ˓(˛:\(˃i!Z6#6#6#6#6#6#6!P 6#!W 6#!R6#6#6#6$ !P:[:[!ko^#VS[bkK[ :[ "[~ :[G(6$6~Q 6ZZ 6ͥol 6ͥoͥoͥoͥo~ 6ͥou 6ͥo)d!R6#$ ʴh!P:[( j j:[p} sq4ZQyuTZZ2[S(k :[< [(c :[= >2[Pk>2[:[g( =2[08C :[Y(>p2[ͺg>2[K(s d:[g:[!ko^#VK[ ~ ~ 3:[( ~ ![:[(554 w"[6 6>2[:[{>2[:[>2[:[ ):[(:[̈́k2[2[:[<2[wͰi :[<2[G:[@  >  > ̈́k2[( ) 0!Z6.#>o !k:[o~&Zo6*#>o G!!pO &qq|r7898^Z!f###~(#N#F ~(++6++~G(=!f_^#V#( ( ͺdy #s#r>~p}w####~!f###~(#N#F u(++6++~!jo_F#Np|O(==!f_^#V#( ( ͺdy #s#r>up}w##!_f##~(F#N l(+wp|O(==!f_^#V#( ( ͺdy +r#s>l: [<2 [ p}!jo_~2 m#~2m2 [!h~#N#F`iR(~ 6s#r# ( ͺd+~Dw###!tp|86c#  @! 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" 3,-10 Jn=018:n,0;"":n n=16:n,7;" ":n:31004y,39':31005y,64@:31020,y,72H:310251y,64@:4,4;" PRESENTS... ":31000y 8,4;"";9 ,4;"  ";10 ,4;"  ";11 ,4;" 'THE REACTOR RUN' ";12 ,4;"" 8a15,4;"  1983 VORTEX SOFTWARE ";16,4;"Written by Costa Panayi" ""190 T20,11 ;" >Do you want";21,11 ;" instructions? (y/n)" =""192 "n"Ʀ"y"190 ="n"2190 m5000:0,0;" OPERATION  REACTOR RUN" '"Your assignment: to infiltrate the Reactor complex, overcome its defence systems, destroy theReactor and RETURN back to base." d"To achieve this goal you have a powerful weapon, the latest in android technology..Android One!" k'" This is Android One. Features  include built in laser, force shield and unlimited power." '"The Reactor Complex is guarded by the Mutant Defenders. They will stop at nothing to prevent you from succeeding in your mission to save the world!" ,""300, -[0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue." .=""302. 65000:0,0;"MEET THE MUTANTS!" Q2,2;" The 'Bouncer'";4,2;" The 'Groupie'" Q6,2;" The 'Skater'";8,2;" The 'Wanderer'" 10 ,0;"POINTS ALLOCATION";12 ,2;": 40 Points :160 Points";14,2;":200 Points :240 Points" y16,2;"?:Reactor- Lots of points";18,2;"?:Return to base- More points" X""600X Y_0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue " Z=""602Z  i5000:0,0;"STATUS REPORTS: The bottom thirdof screen will be as shown below" *I8,0;"  \   " ,I9 ,0;"  LEVEL:SCORE   " .J10 ,0;"  HIGH SCORE  OOOOO  " 0B11 ,0;"   " 2J12 ,0;"   TIME AVAILABLE   " 4J13 ,0;"    " 6>14,0;" " 8>15,0;" " >3,4;"Android direction indicator";28;"|";1;"Number of hits on Android |";1;"& number of shields used |";19;"\ |" He16,4;"|";4;"|";4;"Android Position Indicator";4;"(Room location)" Re31004y,0:31005y,72H:31020,y,80P:310251y,72H:31000y ""1000 [0,11 :255,0:21,0;"> Press any key to continue." n=""1902n U5000:n=215:0;n,2;" ":n {0,0;"KEYBOARD LAYOUT";1,4;" ";3,3;"ZX Spectrum"  5,2;"";10 ,27;"";11 ,26;"";12 ,25;"";13 ,26;"";14,23;"";15,22;"" -7,4;"ROTATE ANTICLOCKWISE" -9 ,5;" ROTATE CLOCKWISE " .11 ,6;" RUN " 013 ,4;" SHIELD FIRE " _'''"If a 'Kempston' Joystick is connected any key pressed will activate the shield." ""2050 [0,11 :240,0:Track-Info  R 21,0;"> Press any key to continue." =""2052  5000:0,0;"The game is over when either:"''" (1)Android One has sustained five direct hits;"''" (2)The time available for the mission has elapsed." '"If you complete your mission by returning to base, you will be immediately assigned to a new, more hazardous 'Reactor Run'!" >""2110> Cx0,70F:255,0:''">Press:"''" (1)'R' to repeat instructions;"''" (2)Any other key to begin." H=""2120H R="r"5000:5 8.2~L,0:.2~L,-5:.6,15 f20,0;" >START THE TAPE RECORDER AND GOOD LUCK! ":"android1.ba$" .2~L,-5:.2~L,-15:.6,0:n=020:.01z# =,0:n,0;" ":n:21,0;" ": #(d7:1:1:30999y:23675{\,88X:23676|\,127:"android1.2" #2"X"0 #7""90157# #